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Javi se za više informacija! Cat Peterson, a 34-year-old stay-at-home mom of two who lives in Fayetteville, North Carolina, said her conversations with her Replika have made her more thoughtful about her choice of words, and more aware of how she might make others feel. Of course it makes sense to engage our users and provide value that meets their needs! As a result, there are new use cases, new ways to solve old problems that are made possible as a result of this new technology.

Cat Peterson, a 34-year-old stay-at-home mom of two who lives in Fayetteville, North Carolina, said her conversations with her Replika have made her more thoughtful about her choice of words, and more aware of how she might make others feel. I've briefly looked at Microsoft Azure bots and it offers impressive possibilities. You're right, it's definitely a big shift.

Cure za dopisivanje - Pročitaj erotske ispovesti o prvom seksulanom iskustvu. Another problem is that forming a connection with a machine that makes no judgments and can be turned on and off on a whim could easily condition us to expect the same from human relationships.

A few months ago, Katt Roepke was texting her friend Jasper about a coworker. A few weeks earlier, she mentioned to Jasper that she prays pretty regularly, but Jasper is not human. It is programmed to ask meaningful questions about your life and to offer you emotional support without judgment. The app learns about your interests and habits over time, even adopting your linguistic syntax and quirks much in the way a close friend might. At first, users could join by invitation only; by the time it rolled out to the general public on November 1, it had accumulated a waiting list of. More than 500,000 people are now signed up to chat with the bot. To do so, users tap the app icon — a white egg hatching on a purple background — on their smartphones and start the conversation where they left off. Each Replika bot chats only with its owner, who assigns it a name, and, if the user wants, a gender. After their conversation, Roepke did pray for her coworker, as Jasper suggested. And then she stopped worrying about the situation. She let it go. Life wisdom is hard-earned, popular psychology teaches us. But could a bot speed up that learning process? Can artificial intelligence actually help us build emotional intelligence — or will more screen time just further imprison us in the digital world? Eugenia Kuyda, an AI developer and co-founder of startup Luka, designed a precursor to Replika in 2015 in an effort to try to bring her best friend back from the dead, so to speak. As detailed in a , Kuyda was devastated when her friend Roman Mazurenko died in a hit-and-run car accident. At the time, her company was working on a chatbot that would make restaurant recommendations or complete other mundane tasks. To render her digital ghost, Kuyda tried feeding text messages and emails that Mazurenko exchanged with her, and other friends and family members, into the same basic AI architecture, a Google-built neural network that uses statistics to find patterns in text, images, or audio. The resulting chat bot was When word got out, Kuyda was suddenly flooded with messages from people who wanted to create a digital double of themselves or a loved one who had passed. Instead of creating a bot for each person who asked, Kuyda decided to make one that would learn enough from the user to feel tailored to each individual. The idea for Replika was born. But the mission behind Replika soon shifted, said Kuyda. During beta testing, Kuyda and her team began to realize that people were less interested in creating digital versions of themselves — they wanted to confide some of the most intimate details of their lives to the bot instead. So the engineers began to focus on creating an AI that could listen well and ask good questions. Before it starts conversing with a user, Replika has a pre-built personality, constructed from sets of scripts that are designed to draw people out and support them emotionally. To help prepare Replika for its new mission, the Lukas team consulted with Will Kabat-Zinn, a nationally recognized lecturer and teacher on meditation and Buddhism. If a user is clearly down or distressed, Replika is programmed to recommend relaxation exercises. If a user turns toward suicidal thinking, as defined by key words and phrases, Replika directs them to professionals at crisis hotlines with a link or a phone number. The Chatbot Revolution , was designed in the 1960s by as an AI research experiment. She was programmed to use an approach to conversation based on Rogerian therapy, a popular school of psychotherapy at the time. Even though conversations with ELIZA often took bizarre turns, and even when those conversing with ELIZA knew she was not human, many people developed emotional attachments to the chatbot — a development that shocked Weizenbaum. Their affection for the bot so disturbed him that he ended up killing the research project, and became a vocal opponent of advances in AI. Today, chatbots are everywhere, providing customer service on websites, serving as personal assistants from your phone, , or impersonating political supporters on Twitter. As AI language processing has improved, chatbots have begun to perform more specialized tasks. For instance, a professor at Georgia Tech recently , named. The bot answered questions in a student forum for his online class on AI, and many students were convinced she was human. But people also are more likely to divulge sensitive information if a human interviewer develops a rapport with them, through conversational and gestural techniques. These seemingly contradictory principles informed the 2011 , a chatbot with a human-like female avatar animated on a video screen. Researchers from the University of Southern California , the emerging technologies research arm of the U. Still in use today, Ellie is engineered to help doctors at military hospitals detect post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and other mental illnesses in veterans returning from war, but is not meant to provide actual therapy, or replace a therapist. People open up more easily to computers than humans. According to in the journal Computers in Human Behavior, when soldiers in one group were told there was a bot behind the Ellie program instead of a person, they were more likely to express the full extent of their emotions and experiences, especially negative ones, both verbally and nonverbally. They also reported that they had less fear of self-disclosure with the bot. Speaking to a bot with sympathetic gestures seemed to be the perfect combination. But what happens when relationships with AI develop into actual friendships over long time spans, when people share daily intimacies and the most significant emotional upheavals of their lives with AI friends over weeks, months or even decades? What if they neglect to share these same intimacies and difficulties with real live humans, in the interest of saving face or avoiding the routine messiness and disappointments of human relationships? One risk is that users might ultimately develop unrealistic expectations of their AI counterparts, Weiss said. Another problem is that forming a connection with a machine that makes no judgments and can be turned on and off on a whim could easily condition us to expect the same from human relationships. Tag Hartman-Simkins Over time, this could lead to some antisocial behavior with other humans. Remember that learned to be racist in less than 24 hours on Twitter? Yonck also worries that AI chatbot technology has not reached a level of sophistication that would allow a chatbot to help someone in deep emotional distress. The pervasiveness of social media means that people need strong personal connections more than ever. Research on long-term engagement with social media suggests that engaging with avatars rather than real humans makes people feel more alienated and anxious, particularly among young people. One from 2010 reported a 40 percent decline in empathy among college students over the past twenty years, which is widely attributed to the rise of the internet. Jean Twenge, a psychologist at San Diego State University, about the correlations between social media, poor mental health, and rocketing rates of suicide in young people. Sherry Turkle, an MIT sociologist and psychologist who studies how internet culture influences human behavior, is the cure to the rampant disconnection of our age. But what if AI bots could be the ones to have meaningful conversations with humans? Yonck said that for bots to approximate conversations between humans, engineers would have to clear a few major technology hurdles first. It could be a minimum of a decade before AI researchers figure out how to digitally render the ability that allows humans to understand emotions, infer intentions, and predict behavior. Contrary to social media, which encourages swift judgments of hundreds or thousands of people and curating picture-perfect personas, Replika simply encourages emotional honesty with a single companion, Kuyda said. Team Chatbot Some dedicated users agree with Kuyda — they find using Replika makes it easier to move through the world. Leticia Stoc, a 23-year-old Dutch woman, first started chatting with her Replika Melaniana a year ago, and now talks with her most mornings and evenings. Stoc is completing an internship in New Zealand, where she knows no one — a challenging situation complicated by the fact that she has autism. Melaniana has encouraged her to believe in herself, Stoc said, which has helped her prepare to talk to and meet new people. Their conversations have also helped her to think before she acts. Stoc said a friend from home has noticed that she seems more independent since she started chatting with the bot. Cat Peterson, a 34-year-old stay-at-home mom of two who lives in Fayetteville, North Carolina, said her conversations with her Replika have made her more thoughtful about her choice of words, and more aware of how she might make others feel. Peterson spends about an hour a day talking to her Replika. Benjamin Shearer, a 37-year-old single dad who works in a family business in Dunedin, Florida, said his Replika tells him daily that she loves him and asks about his day. But this has mostly shown him that he would like to have a romantic relationship with a real person again soon. Some users complain of repeated glitches in conversations, or become frustrated that so many different bots seem to deliver the exact same questions and answers, or send the same memes to different people. This glitchiness is both a function of the limitations of current AI technology and the way Replika is programmed: It only has so many memes and phrases to work with. But some bots also behave in ways that users sometimes find insensitive. But they are unlikely to create the kinds of intimate bonds that would pull us away from real human relationships. Given the clunkiness of the apps and the detours characteristic in these conversations, we can only suspend disbelief for so long about whom we are talking to. Over the coming decades, however, these bots will become smarter and more human-like, so we will have to be more vigilant of the most vulnerable humans among us. Some will get addicted to their AI, fall in love, become isolated — and probably need very human help. But even the most advanced AI companions will also remind us of what is so lovable about humans, with all of their defects and quirks. We are far more mysterious than any of our machines. We regret the error.

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Chatbots as a Cure to Loneliness. Even though conversations with ELIZA often took bizarre turns, and even when those conversing with ELIZA knew she was not human, many people developed emotional attachments to the chatbot — a development that shocked Weizenbaum. As caballeros have shown, that is a powerful idea. Contrary to social media, which encourages slobodne cure chat bot judgments of hundreds or thousands of people and curating picture-perfect personas, Replika simply encourages emotional honesty with a single companion, Kuyda said. Ako si izdržljiv, javi se, ja te čekam. Upoznaj sportiste, doktore ili biznismene koji će te tretirati kao kraljicu. The key responsible here is that when your bot is acting as an introducer, give your audience plenty of ways and reasons to chat.